Idaho Pro-Logger Program

The Idaho Pro-Logger Program (IPL) is a logger training program designed for the professional timber harvester. The program was established in 1998 to meet the educational needs of Idaho logging contractors, loggers, forest owners and forest products companies.  Secondarily, the program seeks to meet the requirements of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative and similar forestland certification programs.

The Idaho Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) State Implementation Committee has designated the IPL as the official logger training program for Idaho.  Idaho companies that are certified with the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) also recognize the IPL as the logger training program required for their operations.

The Idaho Pro-Logger Program © is owned and operated by the Associated Logging Contractors of Idaho (ALC).  The ALC has two committees to assist in oversight and guidance of the IPL:

1.) The Idaho Pro-Logger Sub-Committee comprised of ALC member logging contractors in good standing.

2.) The Idaho Pro-Logger Advisory Committee, consisting of logging contractors, forest land owners, representatives of forest products companies and large forest land owners, foresters, the University of Idaho Extension Forestry Department, the University of Idaho College of Natural Resources, the Idaho Department of Lands, the Idaho State Logging Safety Program and the safety staff and staff from the ALC.  

These committees meet regularly to monitor and guide the program and make recommendations to the ALC Board of Directors for program governance.  All final decisions on the governance and operation of the IPL rest with the ALC Board of Directors.

For more information contact the ALC at 1-208-667-6473.


Forest Certification Programs:

Are you an Accredited Idaho Pro-Logger (IPL)?

Have you:

1. Completed a 3-day LEAP class offered by the University of Idaho? (24 credits) Must enroll within 3 years of completing.

2. Completed Logging First Aid & Safety Training that is presented by the State of Idaho Logging Safety and Associated Logging Contractors? Required every year! (4 credits)

3. Completed the IPL application/enrollment form with the ALC office? (You are NOT automatically enrolled in the IPL program when you complete the 3-day LEAP)

4. Completed the 8 additional IPL approved credit classes/events? Required every year after completions of LEAP.

5. If you are not an ALC member, have you paid your annual IPL fee?

After the initial LEAP class is complete, you must have 12 IPL credits per year with 4 of those being Logging First Aid & Safety EVERY year!

Questions? Contact Julie Schwanz, Idaho Pro-Logger Program Coordinator at (208) 667-6473 or email