Space is running out for an upcoming course on calculating logging costs and anyone planning to attend is encouraged to complete their registration.
If you are looking for a refresher on calculating your logging costs, this course will cover that topic and help you succeed!
As you know, to be in a strong negotiating position, knowing your costs of operation are key. This course will cover aspects of logging cost analyses from the perspective of logging business owners and managers. The class will focus on methods for evaluating production and cost records. Spreadsheet models will be reviewed and provided to participants for hands-on training involving modifications necessary to assess a range of harvesting systems, techniques and equipment mix variations. After the class, participants should be well-equipped to better evaluate their logging costs using a range of techniques.
Logging business owners and managers involved in management and administration of their business will benefit from this course.
The instructors for the class are Dr. Joe Conrad and Dr. Chad Bolding from the University of Georgia. They are familiar with logging operations across the country and will focus their expertise on Idaho-based operations. Logging contractors in other parts of the country who’ve taken this class have commented that their time was well spent. The class will run from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, March 24 at the ALC office in Coeur d’Alene.
The cost is $100 per person and includes lunch. Pre-registration is required and space is limited to 40 people. Reserve your seat today online HERE or call Jolene at the ALC office at 208-667-6473.