Weekly WrapUp 9/11/24

JOB LOSSES: Oregon mill closures emblematic of US timber industry decline. MORE HERE PASS THE GRANOLA: Idaho media suggests you’re to blame for summer wildfires! MORE HERE PLYWOOD IMPORTS: New sanctions won’t stop Russian plywood from flooding USA ports. MORE HERE...

Weekly WrapUp 8/7/24

DOMESTIC FREIGHT: Ever wonder what’s inside big rigs? These are the most common goods shipped by trucks. MORE HERE SMOKY SKIES: Idaho news media promotes tree-hugging to stop wildfires. MORE HERE INNOVATION: USDA backs research into making sustainable jet fuel and...

Weekly WrapUp 7/31/24

ESSENTIAL PRODUCTS: Imagine a world where wood does not exist. What do you think it would look like? MORE HERE BOISE COMMAND CENTER: When all of the West is on fire at once, this is who deals with it. MORE HERE COST SHARE: USDA announces $190M grant opportunity for...

Weekly WrapUp 7/17/24

RISING COSTS: Lumber industry in crossroads with changing economy. MORE HERE COMPLAINT: Land use coalition sues over new BLM rule. MORE HERE MIKE ALBRECHT: A better understanding. MORE HERE EMBER PROJECT: This University of Idaho research could change how we manage...

Weekly WrapUp 7/10/24

HIGHWAY 95 HAZARDOUS FUELS PROJECT: North Idaho forests get $4.8M investment in wildfire mitigation. MORE HERE CHANGES AT IDAHO’S DMV: $5 online license renewal discount, eight-year CDL and more. MORE HERE ONLINE DASHBOARD: Idaho offers alerts to carriers of driver...