Weekly WrapUp 8/16/23

ALC HEALTH INSURANCE PLAN: We now have our very own health insurance plan! Get more info today by visiting www.ALCHealthPlan.com or calling Kelly Madison at Associated Insurance Services at 208-955-8170. MORE HERE LOGGING LABOR: Worrying signs from logging employment...

Weekly WrapUp 8/9/23

ALC HEALTH INSURANCE PLAN: We now have our very own health insurance plan! Get more info today by visiting www.ALCHealthPlan.com or calling Kelly Madison at Associated Insurance Services at 208-955-8170. MORE HERE IDAHO FIRE RESTRICTIONS FINDER: Fire restrictions are...

Weekly WrapUp 8/2/23

ONGOING STUDY: Open houses this week on traffic management center study in Kootenai County. MORE HERE MEN AT WORK: Boise National Forest initiates salvage sale on West Mountain, warns of potential delays. MORE HERE DRY CONDITIONS: Forest Service says Pacific Northwest...

Weekly WrapUp 7/26/23

HIGH PRIORITY FIRESHEDS: Risch, Crapo, Daines, colleagues urge Forest Service analysis of sawtimber levels. MORE HERE LOGGER SURVEY: ‘Fungible resource’? Not loggers, as survey emphasizes business issues. MORE HERE EXPANSIVE REPORT: USDA Forest Service report...

Weekly WrapUp 7/19/23

‘A MORAL RESPONSIBILITY’: Retired USFS worker Barry Wynsma from Bonners Ferry shares the truth about wildfires in the West. More HERE SHARING THE WEALTH: Why have the smaller service contractor loggers and truckers not experienced the same gains as the larger...

Weekly WrapUp 7/12/23

INCREASED SALES: Timber harvests on Idaho’s endowment lands hits new high, benefiting public schools. MORE HERE TRUTH ABOUT TIMBER: New video series spotlights the men and women who work in the woods. MORE HERE LOGGERS AND TRUCKERS: The connection between the...