Weekly WrapUp 5/17/23

ROAD WORK: Safety project starts Monday on US-95 near McArthur Lake. MORE HERE MEETING INDUSTRY NEEDS: The University of Idaho’s response to addressing workforce challenges in the logging, fire, and forest nursery sectors. MORE HERE SUPPLY AND DEMAND: Ongoing soft...

Weekly WrapUp 3/10/23

BIDEN REPORT: No Shortage of Old Growth on Federal Lands. MORE HERE KEEPING TRACK: House bill to improve accountability for wildfire prevention work advances to floor. MORE HERE FED UP: Idaho’s largest landowner doesn’t live in the state. MORE HERE SALES VOLUMES:...

Weekly WrapUp 5/3/23

EDITORIAL: Banning Retardants Will Cost Lives. MORE HERE TRANSCRIPT: The Supply Chain Crisis That Could Wreck the Bourbon Industry. MORE HERE TOP PRIORITY: Lawmakers from several western states want the U.S. Forest Service to do more to address a wildfire crisis that...

Weekly WrapUp 4/26/23

LOGGING PROJECT HALTED: Judge halts Montana logging project over concern for threatened grizzly bears. MORE HERE WASTING TIME: Biden Administration’s Actions Jeopardize Forest Health. MORE HERE OPINION: Reducing the risk of a big fire season. MORE HERE TRUCK...

Weekly WrapUp 4/19/23

WILDFIRE MANAGEMENT: U.S. Senator Steve Daines of Montana launches bipartisan Senate wildfire caucus. MORE HERE METHANE FROM MEGAFIRES: Scientists using a new detection method have discovered a large amount of methane linked to wildfires, which air quality officials...