by Justin Post | May 17, 2023 | Uncategorized
ROAD WORK: Safety project starts Monday on US-95 near McArthur Lake. MORE HERE MEETING INDUSTRY NEEDS: The University of Idaho’s response to addressing workforce challenges in the logging, fire, and forest nursery sectors. MORE HERE SUPPLY AND DEMAND: Ongoing soft...
by Justin Post | May 10, 2023 | Uncategorized
BIDEN REPORT: No Shortage of Old Growth on Federal Lands. MORE HERE KEEPING TRACK: House bill to improve accountability for wildfire prevention work advances to floor. MORE HERE FED UP: Idaho’s largest landowner doesn’t live in the state. MORE HERE SALES VOLUMES:...
by Justin Post | May 4, 2023 | Uncategorized
Ryer Becker sports his camera at a logging site. (Photo courtesy of Ryer Becker) By Justin Post For The Idaho Logger Ryer Becker is working in the woods. Becker is visiting logging jobs, snapping pictures and working to improve public perception of loggers and...
by Taryn Hecker | May 3, 2023 | Uncategorized
EDITORIAL: Banning Retardants Will Cost Lives. MORE HERE TRANSCRIPT: The Supply Chain Crisis That Could Wreck the Bourbon Industry. MORE HERE TOP PRIORITY: Lawmakers from several western states want the U.S. Forest Service to do more to address a wildfire crisis that...
by Taryn Hecker | Apr 26, 2023 | Uncategorized
LOGGING PROJECT HALTED: Judge halts Montana logging project over concern for threatened grizzly bears. MORE HERE WASTING TIME: Biden Administration’s Actions Jeopardize Forest Health. MORE HERE OPINION: Reducing the risk of a big fire season. MORE HERE TRUCK...
by Taryn Hecker | Apr 19, 2023 | Uncategorized
WILDFIRE MANAGEMENT: U.S. Senator Steve Daines of Montana launches bipartisan Senate wildfire caucus. MORE HERE METHANE FROM MEGAFIRES: Scientists using a new detection method have discovered a large amount of methane linked to wildfires, which air quality officials...