Weekly WrapUp: 10/12/22

Here’s your Weekly WrapUp of industry news! Stay informed! Stay Logger Strong! CARBON CONUNDRUM: Researchers say unmanaged forests now emit more CO2 than they absorb. More HERE STOKE THE FIRE: Faced with gas shortages, more Europeans are looking to wood to heat...

Weekly WrapUp: 10/5/22

Stay informed! Stay #LoggerStrong! SIP ON THIS: A new Forest Service research report describes how extensively public drinking water systems rely on national forests and grasslands. More HERE. TRUCK TO SUCCESS: Interested in becoming an owner-operator? Check out the...

National Loggers Day Resolution Introduced

Senator Susan Collins (R-ME), Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), James Risch (R-ID), Bill Cassidy (R-LA), Angus King (I-ME), and Steven Daines (R-MT) introduced a bipartisan resolution recognizing October 12th, 2022 as National Loggers Day. The Senate resolution highlights the...

Know Your Fuels, Know Your Fire Workshop

Join Heather Heward from the Idaho Prescribed Fire Council for the Fall 2022 “Know Your Fuels, Know Your Fire” Workshop. The workshop aims to provide landowners and managers with training to understand their current fuel conditions and the ability to...

Idaho Pro-Logger Credit Opportunities

From the Idaho Pro-Logger Desk: Credit opportunities for the remainder of 2022 are limited, however there are still some opportunities out there! North Idaho College has a virtual option available, as well as our 4th Annual Safety Conference, just to name a few. If...