Stay informed! Stay#Logger Strong!

WITHOUT REASON: A coalition of anti-forestry groups is pressuring the Biden Administration to effectively ban logging on NFS lands under the guise of protecting “old and mature forests” even though there are not any universally or scientifically-accepted definitions of what “old” or “mature” trees are.

REDUCING RISK: “Throughout the season we will be implementing projects we have designed to reduce the impacts of high-severity wildfires on local communities and landscapes,” writes Cheryl Probert/Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests Supervisor.

THIN TO SAVE: Thinning can help offset the cost of managing mature Douglas-fir stands, according to a study by Oregon State University.

FUTURE LOGGERS: Oregon has a state-approved high school forestry curriculum that’s currently being offered by 35 school systems in the state.